La Boucherie restaurant in Sablé
1 room(s)
1 air-conditioned room(s)
96 seat(s)
60 seat(s) on the terrace
Minimum group size: 20
Maximum group size: 90
Monday |
Open from 12h to 14h45 and from 19h to 22h |
Tuesday |
Open from 12h to 14h45 and from 19h to 22h |
Wednesday |
Open from 12h to 14h45 and from 19h to 22h |
Thursday |
Open from 12h to 14h45 and from 19h to 22h |
Friday |
Open from 12h to 14h45 and from 19h to 23h |
Saturday |
Open from 12h to 14h45 and from 19h to 23h |
Sunday |
Open from 12h to 14h45 and from 19h to 22h |
Fermé le 24 décembre au soir et le 25 décembre toute la journée
Adult menu (lunch on workdays) |
14,50 € |
Adult evening and weekend menu |
14,50 € |
Children's menu |
8,60 € |
Adult menu (lunch on workdays) : 14.50 €
Adult evening and weekend menu : 14.50 €
Children's menu : 8.60 €