From the city to the Sarthe countryside, contemporary art is available throughout the year for the pleasure of enriching your vision of the world. Let’s take a tour of the main cultural and artistic activities to discover in our department.
Cultural activities invest religious heritage

The Royal Abbey of Épau is today one of the most important cultural centers in Sarthe. Between June and November, contemporary photographers respond to each other through an indoor and outdoor exhibition on a specific theme. In August, the Siestes Tériaki welcome musicians and visual artists for visual and sound experiments. For the end-of-year celebrations, the abbey lights up for its long-awaited Voyage Lumineux et Sonore. Do not miss!
At the FIAA Art Center , nestled in the former cloister of the Visitation, a collection of more than 250 works resides year-round, accompanied by permanent exhibitions by contemporary artists and temporary exhibitions by artists. international in scope.
The Plastic and Contemporary Art Center installed in the Priory of Vivoin offers an abundant cultural offer of creations and performances. Some renowned artists come to rub shoulders with the old medieval building, such as photographer Gérard Rancinan and graffiti artist Ravo Mattoni in 2022.
When art comes to the countryside
In the village of Piacé-le-Radieux , the adventure of the Radiant Farm, initiated in the 1930s by Le Corbusier and Norbert Bézard, is told to you through around thirty works in dialogue with nature.
At a place called Moulins de Paillard , international artists in residence meet to create works that are then distributed around the world. Temporary exhibitions from April to November and stage performances punctuate the year.
Île MoulinSart is home to both a working mill and a contemporary art center with exhibits in the old grain barn and outdoors.
Festivals in Le Mans
At any time of the year, place your stay in Le Mans under the sign of the festivals.
In January, the Le Mans Sonore biennial offers spectators experiments and sound concepts that are inclusive and accessible to the general public.
In June, it ‘s Le Mans makes its circus which animates the city in the open air with shows mixing different circus disciplines.
In early July, the Plein Champs Festival brings together street artists from all over France. Their frescoes on concrete are then scattered around the city.
At the end of August, the Siestes Teriaki offer a sound and visual immersion in the park of the Royal Abbey of Epau.
Finally, in mid-November, the Bebop festival honors contemporary music with an eclectic and quality program throughout the Sarthe.
Contemporary art can be seen and seen all year round in Sarthe. Shall we meet?